No, He isn't.

People often ask, "Pastor, I feel God is calling me to do…" Or, "I feel God has put it on my heart to…" Or, "I think God is speaking to me to tell me that I should…" Then comes the question, "How do I know if this is really what God wants for my life or if it's just me?" Simple. It's just you. The Holy Spirit works through a preacher, speaking His particular Word through "the office of Gospel preaching and administering the sacraments." Anything you feel in you is just you wishing it was God stirring up those feelings. We call this "enthusiasm," or, "God-within-ism." It's been around since Adam fell. It's the basest rebellion against God and His Word for you. 
--Rev. Donavan Riley

Here's another thing about Enthusiasm: if you have OCD, it will eat you for lunch. God is not the Author of confusion. If He is calling you to do something or to be something, He will have no trouble making it clear to you.


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